My girlfriend dresses all in black

My girlfriend dresses all in black
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I don’t want to state categorically that female friendship does not exist, but I am sure that over the years it either changes or moves into a completely different stage of communication. At school I hadfriend Yana, everyone envied our friendship, we were inseparable, together everywhere. After school it so happened that we went to different cities to study, and then it turned out that ours was so strongfriendship did not stand the test of distance. For me, my friend’s words when we met were a complete surprise: “I have different friends now, otherwise it was just a school friendship, now you and I have different interests.” I was offended, because I still considered her my best friend, but it turned out that after moving to another city, she simply forgot about me and she made a bunch of new friends.

I decided that now I won’t be friends with anyone, I justcommunication and everything, but it just so happened that when I started working, I met my employee Vika. Unbeknownst to myself, I began to treat her as a friend. Our friendship has already been ten years and I don’t regret having a friend like her.

Lately I can’t understand her, somewhere she got into the habit of dressing in all black. I agree that a black evening dress or a black skirt that can be worn with a blouse of any color should be in any woman's wardrobe. But there is a limit to everything. I unobtrusively tried to hint to her that a girl should have bright things, I even gave her a light blouse for her birthday , but she either ignores my hints or snaps. Vika has only black clothes and she says that she doesn’t feel comfortable in other clothes, although she used to dress normally.

Lately, Vika likes to mope, and I think that her outfits play a significant role in this. I don’t want to impose my opinions and tastes on anyone, but I have repeatedly told my friend that colorful and bright things lift your spirits and you should wear them at least sometimes. But Vika doesn’t want to listen to me and thinks that in black she looks mysterious and impressive. I don’t understand who put this into her head, but it’s already starting to irritate me when people on the street start looking at her with sympathy. My friend wasn’t like this before, and I can’t understand why she suddenly changed. I'm already starting to worry that with her gloomy outfits she'll bring it to her headproblems .

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