My life after civil marriage

My life after civil marriage
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have already written my story about the fact that civilmy husband said that he doesn’t need me. Now I have a new onelife without him. What I feel? She probably was kind to him. She cared and worried. Only if a person is initially like this, nothing will change him. A person cannot be good if evil already lives in him.

I don't live his life, I became free. Probably, I hoped too much for him, but he simply used me and psychologically humiliated me. He thought that I would always be with him, he would live, and I would stand next to him. I remember now that there were good moments, but for some reason I never said that he was my husband. He simply humiliated me and my dignity.

Now I am planning a lot, but only for myself, my son and my mother. I have no one closer. And there were calls for a long time and many times, but I hoped that he would change. I'm naive. My self-esteem was worth lowering, and that’s it, I was below the plinth. Now everything is different, especially now that good work has appeared. I practically work seven days a week, because I need to improve my financial situation.

I'm proud that I don't give up. But he received everything from his mother, and did not create anything good on his own. Maybe I was ready to leave a long time ago, but I was playing for time, hoping for “maybe” and “if only”. Now there are so many plans and you don’t have to be someone’s shadow. And that's great!

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