Can you trust a drinking man?

Can you trust a drinking man?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I was alone for a long time. Then he suddenly wrotea man I know from work, everything quickly started to spin with him and after a week I began to understand his environment. I watched his videos and photos and realized that he is an ordinary drinking man who loves the cheerful company of his friends. And also a womanizer.

I'm 42, he's 46. His last woman, with whom he lived and drank, was 65! I'm shocked. He's had so many exes, all of them older, all of them drinkers. Now he doesn't drink and has only been with me for a week. He swears eternal love.

But with such a past, can you trust him? Maybe I should immediately cut off the continuation of a stormy romance? In a week, everything is clear about his behavior, he is an angel. But can his infatuation with me fix him?

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