My husband communicates with his son, but completely ignores me

My husband communicates with his son, but completely ignores me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I was already 28 years old, and I understood that I needed to go outget married andgive birth to a child, otherwise I will remain a girl. I met guys, but there were no serious relationships, or ratherNone of them proposed marriage . Victor also didn’t ask me to marry him until he found out that Ipregnant _ And so they got married.

At first everything was finemy husband was happy about his son and still loves him. I would be glad that he doesn’t drink, doesn’t party, and communicates normally with his son (he’s 15 years old), but I understand that I mean nothing to him. All the housework is on me, there is almost no communication, my husband is already used to sleeping in a separate room. At first he said that he was tired and needed rest, but now this is already taken for granted.

I couldn’t stand it, I told him everything that I didn’t intend to continue to tolerate this to myself.attitude , to which he calmly said: “go away, I’m not holding you, I didn’t leave you pregnant, I take care of my family and son, I think I don’t owe you anything.” I am shocked by this answer. It turns out that he never loved me, but he married for the sake of the child? It would be better if I were left alone then than to have such a family. The son also communicates more with his father; he is not interested in me.

I work, I can live comfortably on my salary, anddivorce doesn’t scare me, I’m just sure thatmy son will stay with my husband, and maybe even stop communicating with me. But I can’t live like this anymore either. I am in the house instead of a servant and in second place after furniture.

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