My husband regrets my food

My husband regrets my food
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Myhusband getsmoney from passive income, he is very lazy. But I chose this one, so I don’t complain, I accept the fact as it is. I myself am getting a higher education and working at a low-paying job so that I can at least bring something of my own home.

But I began to notice how my husband regretted my food! For example, I’m on my way home from work now, and he writes to me, how could I do everything?eat cheese , how did I get so many calories in the first place, asks me to buy it off. Then we atewatermelon , I cut myself a piece, and he’s already shouting: “Aren’t you fat? You ate your half."

I have already started buying food for myself, what I want, I once bought a jar of caviar to please myself, and my husband is already shouting that if I have the money for this, then I could pay for the apartment in half with him, and not buy caviar. It’s gotten to the point where I’m afraid to throw away food packaging in the general trash, but take it out separately.

It upsets me to the point of tears. Why can I give him the last piece, and he regrets it for me? On the contrary, I’m glad when I bought him something tasty, and I see how happy he is, but I have to hide?

What do i do? I tried to explain, but it was all in vain.