My husband lives with me for comfort, not for love.

My husband lives with me for comfort, not for love.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am a self-sufficient woman, my ownapartment , good job. My husband met me on the Internet, and did not hide the fact that he was “friends” with a girl who was 12 years younger than himself. He said that they were only friends.

Thismy friend didn’t give him permission when we were together, she came up with different reasons to call and attract his attention. As a result, I started to get tired of all this, I openly declared that I didn’t like it, and find a guy for my girlfriend.

Further, she no longer bothered him in my presence, but without methere was communication and even active communication, everything was hidden from me,There was help for her, but it was a bummer for me. And, as you might guess, I find out that this ex-girlfriendhis girlfriend , they lived together, but it didn’t work out. As a result, I arranged a calm collection of his things, sending them to his place of registration, and then whatever he wanted.

He broke up with his girlfriend, I even, admittedly, checked on him, supposedly on her behalf, but he does not communicate, there is no continuation on his part, but,, it seems, I never became his favorite. Comfort is the key word for our relationship. Maybe this is what you need when you are already over forty and you have stereotypes, but you don’t want to change them. Everyone is in their comfort zone.

Only, already analyzing itattitude towards me, I see and notice that I don’t worry him, there is no care or excitement on his part. He really likes it when I fly away for work or on vacation with my child. He stays alone in my apartment and gets high. And this is apparently the only thing that keeps him near me.

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