A man offers to pay off my loan, but I don’t want to get addicted

A man offers to pay off my loan, but I don’t want to get addicted
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I always dreamed of having my own car, and as soon as I got a job after university, I immediately took itcar loan When the pandemic began, I couldn’t be happier with my purchase, because, despite the restrictions, I could remain mobile, move freely around the city and go on vacation to beautiful places.

But I wasn’t happy for long, I was laid off at work, and now I’m doing odd jobs. The loan eats up almost all of my income, and this situation worries me very much.

I have a frienda man who has been pursuing me for a long time. And I treat him evenly, just as a friend, nothing serious. He has been offering to pay off my loan for a long time, but I always refused because I don’t want to be obligated to him. My friends tell me to agree, it’s his decision, not mine. If he wants, let him pay.

But I can't do that, becauseIt’s a lot of money , and I understand that it will have to be worked off. And I hate to sell myself, although his financialHelp would greatly ease my situation. By the way, there was recently a story of a girl with an iPhone, who also became test-antibiotic.com dependent on the guy who gave it to her, and now cannot behave in her usual way. So I’m afraid that, having changed my principles, I’ll stop respecting myself.

Or do you still need to be able to adapt to different circumstances in order to survive in our complex world?

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