Don't insult your husbands

Don't insult your husbands
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

When I'm tired of listening to criticism of myhusband from my mother, I immediately told her: “that’s enough, I won’t listen to your nasty things anymore.” Since then I have followed a hard line, I simply switched off on the phone whenmother started the same song. If she started a conversation while I was with her, I simply got up and left, and if my mother was with us, I said that it was time for her to go home. I even had to point to the door. I love my mother, but I won’t allow my family to be destroyed, andmy husband does not deserve such humiliation and insults.

But my mother could not calm down that I went outmarry a simple guy, not appreciating the fact that this guy has golden hands! But it dawned on the man that I wouldn’t let him criticize my husband until three years later. Although the mother is also a rather tough and domineering person, and also stubborn, she eventually came to terms with it and became more diplomatic.

And with other relatives the conversations were even shorter. Don't like my husband? Well, good bye, it's time for us to go. And somehow immediately responded: “no, you misunderstood, your husband is normal!” And the whole point is that the husband can do whatever is asked of him. Now he is doing renovations in my mother's apartment. To be honest, if I were him, I would never do this after such negativity in my direction. But he is not touchy, and I didn’t tell him much.

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