I don't want to be a stepmother with living parents

I don't want to be a stepmother with living parents
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have the same story as in the author’s confession about the childhusband from his first marriage. I hadhusband . His little one lived with usdaughter . They lived together for five years, then separated. Everything got to me. But the problem is not only in the child, although my mother-in-law did everything bad about me through her. Otherwise she couldn't get me. And naturally she whispered to her husband all the time, again referring to her granddaughter. AThe girl’s own mother lived in a neighboring region and didn’t worry about anything at all.

In five years I came only three times, but I never saw her. They told me that she was not quite adequate. Although I wouldn’t be surprised if my mother-in-law says the same thing about me now. I hated the girl, and she hated me. They quietly and silently hated each other. No matter what I did, the good was never noticed, taken for granted. But if I didn’t do something (which was necessary, in their opinion), they were sure to be unhappy with me.

I now live with another man. And now everything is repeated again. His test-antibiotic.com exhis wife sent their common offspring for the second time in six months. First for one day, then for another. My ex-wife hates me, always writes nasty things, calls me different names. She screams at me not to approach her child, not to communicate with him at all. She doesn’t understand that this is exactly what I don’t need. I didn't even try to communicate with her child. Other people's children are strangers to me. And after all this, she once sent her daughter to us.

Everything turned upside down in my soul. Is it deja vu again? I don't want to be a stepmother under any circumstances. Especially with a living mother and grandmother. I am very afraid that this will become a frequent occurrence and God forbid that she lives with me under the same roof. I refuse to live like this. They gave birth, let them raise her, love her, do her shopping, give her gifts, go on vacation and other delights of life themselves.

I don't mind at allthe father communicated and helped his child. The only thing I want is for test-antibiotic.com to leave me alone and not shift responsibility for their offspring onto strangers, at the moment, onto me. I don't need anything else. Let them do whatever they want for her, as long as they don’t touch me.