The would-be groom demands that all his gifts be returned to him

The would-be groom demands that all his gifts be returned to him
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My story is probably banal, although I never thought that I would find myself in such a situation.

A year and a half ago, I met a man 6 years older than me, whom I really liked. He showed interest in me, we started talking, and later he asked me to become his girlfriend. I was happy, everything was going great, six months later he proposed to me on his birthday and gave me a ring.

I was surprised, the thought flashed through my head that everything was somehow fast, but out of joy I agreed. After that, I unexpectedly ended up in the hospital, there was a serious operation, and there was not enough money, because I had recently bought an apartment, he himself gave me the missing 10 thousand, likehelp . I was embarrassed, I wanted to take it from my parents, but he said that he would not mind anything for his future wife.

After discharge, he moved in with me and looked after me. I recovered and went back to work, but regarding the wedding, I suggested waiting at least six months and just trying to live together. After 3 months I just howled. He lost his job, I didn’t blame him, on the contrary, tried to encourage him, but he didn’t look for a new one, he got a job as a courier with a friend for 20 thousand, and told him he didn’t need it anymore. Essentially, I fed myself and him all this time, he broughtminimal money . There was no help around the house, I didn’t even want to wash my plate, not a man’s job. In the evenings, trips to the garage with friends and alcohol, then snoring and fumes all night, returning after midnight and waking me up, unhappy that I was sleeping, but I get up for work at 6 in the morning. I went to the store myself, because it was impossible with him, he bought everything only on sale and as little as possible.

Pathological greed on his part began to bother me more and more. There won’t be a wedding, he said, it’s too expensive to celebrate. I myself am not a fan of magnificent celebrations, but it’s wild not to celebrate at all, because there are parents and close friends, this is disrespect for them, you can sit modestly in a narrow circle. He went to his home to wash and change clothes, to his parents, so as not to waste water from me and not give money for rent. These oddities alarmed me. He insisted on painting and the birth of a child, although I said that there could be no talk of any children for now, because this is a big responsibility, you need to be fully prepared, and he should have a salary of not 20, but at least 2 times more. Everyday arguments exhausted me, I suggested we live separately, take a little break from each other. He reluctantly moved in with his parents.

After being alone and analyzing the situation, I realized that my love for him had fallen like a veil from my eyes, get outI’m still not ready to marry him. Greed and addiction to drinking and partying stressed me out. The inner voice said no. And then they sent me an interesting recent correspondence between him and another girl, where he wrote that he was free and offered to meet her, confessing his sympathy. The same one sent it to mea girl who played along with him, knowing through friends that he had a fiancee. She decided to teach him a lesson. I showed this to him, he twitched, but confessed, justifying it by the fact that I had offended him, asking me to live separately. After weighing everything, I offered to break up with him. He was against it, threatened me, said that I’m an old maid (I’m 26), I won’t find anyone else. On the contrary, it convinced me otherwise.

We practically didn’t communicate during the summer and never saw each other. He wrote to me drunk a couple of times, all sorts of nasty things, but I ignored him. And then in the fall he called. He remembered the 10 thousand that he gave me for the operation and said that I should owe it to himreturn . I replied that he gave them to me himself, and if I had borrowed them, I would have paid them back a long time ago. And if you count how long he lived with me, ate and drank, then he himself will owe me. He got upset and started asking me to sell the ring he was giving me in order to get him back the money for it. I said that I would return the ring, and then let him do what he wants with it.

He disappeared for 2 weeks, did not come for the ring - and then he came to pick it up again. I went on a business trip, so I asked my mother to give him this ring, since it was in my parents’ apartment. He came and took it without any hesitation with a smile. I would die of shame to go to his mother and take my gifts, because I also gave him good things. I'm just shocked. How could I be so blind and almost marry such a man? After all, I loved him and thought he loved me. But even after parting, he was only worried about the money spent, apparently, and the fact that a convenient option in the form of me had floated away. I'm glad I left him and have no doubts anymore. But I am amazed by my own naivety and human pettiness. I don’t know how to trust men now.

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