Is it really that difficult to deal with loans on your own?

Is it really that difficult to deal with loans on your own?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Came to meA friend is visiting the other day. We have known Sveta for more than 10 years - from the first year of university, which we successfully completed in due time. AboutI am writing this university to emphasize that she is not a stupid young lady, and she is clearly not a downtrodden pensioner.

Word by word, my friend began to complain about her loans. They say that the dollar has grown, and prices have not decreased, but wages leave much to be desired. And it turns out that there is nothing to pay off debts with (or almost nothing if you start saving hard). And the government, the global conspiracy and evil aliens are to blame for all this - everyone, but not her.

Of course, you won’t surprise anyone with such whining lately. An ordinary conversation over a mug of tea between two old friends who want to complain about injustice, evil fate and general misunderstanding - there are at least half of such stories on this site.

And I wouldn’t have written another one if it weren’t for the unexpected (for me, at least) result of our girls’ get-togethers: my friend and I had a huge quarrel. According to Sveta, I don’t understand her, I don’t want to support her and in general: “you’re lucky, you don’t have loans.”

I really don't understand her. There was no escape from a mortgage unless there was an inheritance from a great-aunt or a wealthy prince sponsor, but she had absolutely no need to take out most other loans.

Buying an expensive tablet and going on vacation abroad in installments – is this really necessary? Why should you rest, and even with such pretentious comfort, if you didn’t earn money for the rest?

I can still understand if a person before borrowingmoney , carefully studies the conditions for obtaining a loan and carefully calculates the repayment scheme. There are plenty of thematic portals on the Internet where you can find out everything about banks, their promotional offers and compare conditions with other offers on the banking services market.

There are online calculators, tables with percentages and payment schedules, examples of contracts in which no one bothers you to calmly read all the footnotes written in small print. Armed with all this information, you can make an informed decision and choose the financial institution where the interest rates on loans are the lowest and whose payment schedule completely suits you.

It is not necessary to be a financier. But to take something expensive only on the basis of a commercial you like, without thinking about who, when and how will pay for it - I cannot understand this approach.

Actually, that’s why my friend and I had a fight. Now my conscience is tormenting me, because... I didn't want to offend her. But someone should force her to grow up, start thinking and not be lazy about counting? Who else if not me, right?

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