Does a husband need to feel like a hunter in himself?

Does a husband need to feel like a hunter in himself?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My husband and I have been married for 3 years, we havedaughter and are expecting our second child. He is 34 years old, I am a little younger. I somehow saw thatMy husband is on a dating site and it made me very angry. I immediately approached and asked why he needed this. He began to make excuses that he accidentally clicked on the link and was just curious.

Then I found his profile on another dating site. OnWhen asked what’s wrong with me, he answers that everything is fine and everything suits him, from bed to everyday life. But he is bored and needs adrenaline, he wants to feel needed by someone else and “feel the hunter in himself.”

He screams and beats his chest that he loves me and cannot live without me, but I have a feeling that I have been betrayed. He says that he hasn’t dated or slept with anyone, but recently ourthe child played with his backpack and brought me a pack of condoms. To my question, my husband replied that he bought them for us. The question is, why? II’m pregnant and, with the exception of a couple of times, we don’t use protection.

I don't know how to feel about him. I love him very much and am ready to tear a star from the sky for him, but he behaves more than strangely. Please advise what I should do.

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