Resentment against the mother does not go away

Resentment against the mother does not go away
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I do not know how to close the insult to the mother. I know she loves me and I love her. But subconsciously from childhood, resentment for the lack of attention and care sits inside, since she constantly worked.

She loves me the way she can. She does not call and does not ask how I am doing, but she wants me to call her and come to her constantly. But how can you desire those deeds that you do not do yourself? This is one of the cases.

I am trying to understand her motives, because you can’t ask a person just because he doesn’t know how to do it differently. Or we have a different understanding of love. But my feeling that she is, that she is not, would not affect my life in any way. As she says: "I gave you life, and you arrange it yourself."

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