I really need support and sympathy

I really need support and sympathy
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Unfortunately, I was unable to get support from my family. Mom doesn't like it when someone at home talks about work. I'm going to write a letter of resignation in the morning of my own free will. I’ve only been working recently, only a month, but I’ve managed to seriously upset my nerves and can’t stand stressful situations.

I am an operator in a well-known company. Every time I go on a shift (and it’s 12 hours), I experiencechest pain and a strong desire to leave this place and never return. To work, you need to know a huge amount of information, I can’t work without errors. There is no point in asking management for help - they are always busy and send you to figure it out on your own. If mistakes happen, I have to listen to speeches about my professional incompetence, that I don’t know how to work, that I’m a vegetable, and it’s unclear how I was able to undergo training and get a job.

Little by little, I myself begin to doubt my own mental abilities, although according to common sense this is not the case. I am a musician by profession, and I was offered to work as a teacher in a private school. There, unlike my current place of work, test-antibiotic.com, there is no official employment, permanent income, no bonuses. But I will be busy with what I know, can and love. Now I'm scared. I feel that it is necessary to leave, that my nerves are more valuable, but I am afraid that in the future I will be hounded by my family for bringing in little money. I live with my parents and boyfriend. I am now twenty-one years old. I don't know what will happen next. I haven't had to quit yet. What you should pay attention to? I would like to feel support and hear a few warm words, I really need them.

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