The guy was disappointed in me, but I can't forget him

The guy was disappointed in me, but I can't forget him
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.


I am 19 years old. Never had a serious relationship with a guy. Entered the university (not in Russia), in the second year he began to communicate with mea guy who graduated after my freshman year. He is 23 years old.

At first I did not let him in, I was rather cold, but then I realized that we were interested in him and that I was becoming attached to him. I tried to fence myself off, because something told me that it would not end in anything good. However, he did not give up positions and persisted, seeking me.

When it came to watching a movie at his house, I said bluntly that I didn’t want to be with a person who only wanted sex (it was just a warning), and that if this was the case, then we’d better stop talking right away. He convinced me that sex is secondary for him, and that he wants to take care of me, to be there.

When we were with him, I said that I was a virgin. He was surprised, but treated the question with respect and said that he would wait as long as necessary. However, the phrase "I'm not looking for anything serious at" came up, which seemed to imply a lack of commitment. We communicated perfectly for 3 months. No one knew about our "relationship", they preferred not to tell anyone, because rumors spread quickly around the university.

Before sex came 3 weeks ago. He knew that I was inexperienced and said that "it's okay, no one is born with skills." It hurt, but he was insanely gentle and understanding. However, I did not get some things that are important to him. In general, the next day after what happened, our communication began to come to naught. I was very worried about this, I told him everything openly that worries me. To which she replied: “I am exactly the same as I was. I just have a new job, a trial period and a lot of pressure from the authorities. I'm tired and I don't have much time. Never mind, we're fine." But from that moment on, things got even worse.

I was constantly the initiator of conversations, he answered dryly and without enthusiasm, ignoring messages for 10-12 hours. I am silent about calls and meetings. Now we do not communicate for the third day. Our last dialogue was a conversation where the phrase “you didn’t succeed last time” (meaning the bed) was heard, to which I replied: “if everything worked out for me the first time, I would leave medicine and go into the porn industry.” Him: "You would be successful." This offended me, and I no longer wrote to him, did not call, did not appear. And I don't know what to do. I am very attached to him, I miss him very much, but I understand that he was disappointed in the bed (although it is not clear what he was waiting for) and he doesn’t need anything else. I feel used, I don’t know how to get rid of these vile feelings and attachment to him.


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