The guy said he doesn't need a kept woman

The guy said he doesn't need a kept woman
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My story of communicating with a guy who smokes cannabis. We met on a dating site, at the second meeting he told me that he smokes hemp, I accepted it because I didn’t think it was a drug, I thought it was just like smoking a cigarette.

We started living together, he smoked, he smoked herevery day and several times a day. When we started talking about the fact that I have a lot of friends who do not accept this lifestyle, he answered me: “I smoked, I smoke and will continue to smoke, and if anyone is against it, he will go far and for a long time.”

Then quarrels began over trifles; he was always nervous, somehow tense, and he always spoke emotionally. He once asked me to cook rice in a bag, I cooked it and poured it out of the bag, he saw it and said: “Why did you pour it out, it’s still getting cold for me?”I didn’t fry the cutlets !” And in the bag it seemed like it hadn’t cooled down, but that’s what I thought to myself. I was offended, went into the room, he came in and continued: “Well, why are you offended, who likes to eat cold and sticky dough.” He has a real talent for making a big deal out of nothing.

Then there was another situation when I asked him to meet me at the bus station. It was winter, I warned him in advance what time to arrive, I arrived, he was not there, I stood there for about 20 minutes, maybe even more, I was frozen. He arrives, I get into the car, he asks me why I’m so angry, I answer him in a calm tone that I’m frozen. He immediately answers me in an irritated tone: “I didn’t even have time to arrive, I’m already dissatisfied with something. If something doesn’t suit you, there are buses, you get on and go and you don’t have to wait for anyone, again you’re making me feel guilty. We need to run away, this is not life.” I sat and was silent the whole way, but in my heart it was just crazy what was going on.

Then toothe quarrel was over, I don’t remember why, I’m sitting there crying, he tells me: “there are millions of you, you can find someone else and not worry about it, I’ve been skeptical about you girls for a long time.” What was it like for me to listen to all this? Then he also gave me I didn’t work at that time, I was babysitting, we also had a fight, he tells me that he doesn’t need a non-working one at all, he has a principle thatthe girl worked, and he doesn’t need a kept woman. And I wasn’t sitting on anyone’s neck; rather, he was sitting.

Then one day we were driving with him in a car, he was driving, he had an attack, his vision darkened,his body stopped feeling, then his whole body was twisted by hellishpain , speech became slurred. I didn’t understand at all what he was asking me for, my eyes narrowed, namely the eyes, not the pupils. His whole body hurt, his face hurt, then he asked him to unclench his fingers, I started to unclench, they didn’t unclench from the pain, and then everything went away on its own. What it was, I still don’t understand to this day. In general, he and I broke up three weeks ago, but I feel bad, I have apathy, I still can’t move on andit's very hard to forget .

We also had a fight with him, roughly speaking, over a trifle. This last fight is what caused us to break up. I went to visit my friend, arrived late, he was playing on the computer, I went to bed, and the next day I had to get up early. I asked not to click the mouse, he told me that he would turn it off now, and I turned off the TV because I couldn’t sleep with extraneous noise. He says to me: “Why did you turn off the TV?” I answer him that he is bothering me, he says to me: “What should I do, I don’t want to sleep yet?” And away we go! I couldn’t stand it and said that if he wants to live alone, then he needs to break up. He answered me: “yes, I wanted to break up last time, but you wanted to make peace, I gave you a chance and I see that nothing has changed, let’s break up.”

In general, he brought me to hysterics, then my friend called me to find out how I got home, and I was all in tears. She offered to come to her, and it was already about 12 o’clock at night, but I went, because I was disgusted to sleep in nothing but pastels after his words. I went to my friend’s house to spend the night, and the next day went to his house to pick up small things. I had the keys to the apartment, we also lived with his brother, who also smokes this cannabis, they are locked with a top lock at night, but I didn’t have keys to the top lock. I started knocking on the door hard, because they were sleeping so hard that you couldn’t wake him up with a shot, and I heard his brother swearing at me. Before he even had time to open the door, he let me in and started yelling at me, sending me away, insulting me with all sorts of obscenities, and my ex was still lying on the bed, just telling him, so that he closes his mouth and that’s it. I took my things and left, and I was in tears from resentment.

Then I left for a week, didn’t communicate with him, but I was the first to write to him that I needed to make a decision, he said that after everything we wouldn’t be able to all live together. He said that we are different people and we need to break up, then you will understand that it will only be better. And I still can’t leave.

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