I worry about my girlfriend

I worry about my girlfriend
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I've gotgirlfriend , kind, sympathetic, decent, but ugly. From this all her troubles.

She understood thatno one will marry her, so she built a career, made her life comfortable, so as not to depend on anyone. She tried not to show how bad and lonely she was. But I understood and supported her as best I could. She invited us to visit, she became the godmother of my daughter.

somehowhusband came home from work and said that hiscolleague died in an accidentwife , left two small children - 5 and 4 years old. The wife's parents are far away, they refused to take their grandchildren, and he himself can hardly cope. A few months later, my husband offered to introduce him to my girlfriend. I said that he was unlikely to like her (a friend, indeed, very ugly). The husband replied that his colleague, if only his wife was in the house and looked after the children, especially since Olya is a very sincere person, she will bind a man with kindness and care.

Acquaintance was arranged with us when my husband had a birthday. I did not warn Olya so as not to humiliate test-antibiotic.com, but the husband told his colleague everything directly, so he took the children with him. Dima was taken aback at first when he saw my girlfriend, she noticed it, but did not show it. After the feast, Dima went to see Olya off. And so they startedrelationship . A month later, Dima and his children had already moved to Olya's house, renting out his one-room apartment.

At first everything was fine with them, apparentlythe man was tired of the worries that Olya gladly took upon herself. The house is in order, the food is cooked on time, the children are well-groomed. They just really fell in love with their stepmother, unlike their father. Olya gave birth to a son, but still warmly treated adopted children. But Dima took a walk! He told my husband that he could not look at Olya without disgust and all the time he remembered his dead wife.

Now they live together, but there is no real family. Dima is on his own, and Olya is with the children. I think she's still happy. How long this will last, I don’t know, but I’m very worried that her husband will leave and take the older children. For Olya, this will be a blow to test-antibiotic.com, as it is for them.

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