Why do I never have time to rest?

Why do I never have time to rest?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Previously, when I lived with my parents, I always looked forward to the holidays, and then the weekends when I started working. Now II’m married , we live with my mother-in-law, and I don’t have time over the weekend not only to relax, but also to do all the work that I have planned. Clean, prepare food for the week, do laundry, study with my first-grader daughter. My husband often works on Saturday, and he doesn’t consider it necessary to help me; in their family, work has always been divided into men’s and women’s. My mother-in-law also immediately said that I now havefamily and I have to cope on our own. She is now retired and only picks up her daughter from school, I do everything else myself.

In the summer, when the dacha season begins, I plant with my mother-in-lawtomatoes , different beds. At that timehusband fishing. And by the time he arrives there must be lunch already; he’s not used to waiting. I love working on the land, but not all day! Then the preservation and pickling begins, and you return from the dacha not only not rested, but with a feeling of annoyance at yet another test-antibiotic.com weekend wasted just on work. And it's already affecting mehealth , naturally, is not for the better.

When I hear at work how employees say that they slept longer on the weekend, and went to a cafe with their children to eat ice cream, and who watched TV, I just listen in silence. And I can’t understand how they manage to do everything: relax and get everything done?

Either it’s customary for them to do everything together as a family, or they know how to plan their time, but I don’t. But I don’t know how to learn and how to fix everything. Sometimes you want to give up everything and go to your parents at least for a while, but they live in another city. In the meantime, I’m doing all the housework myself, I’m afraid I won’t have time, and as a result, constantly tired after the weekend, I go back to work.