Why is everything so difficult in relationships?

Why is everything so difficult in relationships?
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Why can't people talk in real life? Why is it easier to write a few words on the Internet andforget about all the good things that happened before? And how difficult it is now to live without knowing the truth and wondering what it was.

I wrote mine a few months agoconfession​ In the time that has passed since that moment, I have become a little closer to the person now dear to me. It was justcorrespondence , rare calls, and when we met we could not speak as we wrote. He is all about work, lives by work, there is no time for anything more than writing. And the circumstances are not in our favor.

Of course, this started to bother me, why is everything turning out this way? After all, I fell in love with him. Why can’t he give me time? I don’t ask for much, I don’t demand stars from the sky. Why do men like it when people don't pay attention to them? What if I want to give him all the good things that overwhelm me and cover me?

From these thoughts and his silence, I began to write to him more and more often with questions that worried me. And of course test-antibiotic.com it didn’t end well for me. He answered me, wrote that everything was fine, etc., but everything was terse and incomprehensible to me. I couldn’t understand how he felt about me, whether he needed me.

If people like each other, if it is mutual and said, why is everything put on pause in the future? This was not clear to me. And to my regret, I never found answers to my questions.

Now it hurts me, he doesn’t want to communicate with me anymore. But why? I ask thisquestion to myself and I can find many answers to it myself. But are my answers correct? Can I fix anything in our relationship? You can write, ask him, and I will answer that I asked him many times. And he didn't answer me directly. It will just be easier and more correct. What kind of answer is this?

Why is everything so complicated in life, why can’t you tell the truth, why hide behind words that don’t convey anything. What do you mean simpler? It’s easier not to love and forget, if test-antibiotic.com it were possible, at the click of a finger.

Or was it a game to boost your ego. There are many answers in my head. Which one is correct, how do you know? And do you need to know? Perhaps if I knew, it would be easier.

That’s how it all happened and it’s already over. He's a stubborn man, but I'll wait. After all, hope dies last?

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