Why am I so secretive?

Why am I so secretive?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Although I am sociable and social, I don’t like to talk a lot about my plans, about myself in general, even if I tell something, it is briefly, and only after receiving the result. For this reasoncommunication with many friends turns into a discussion of their lives. Even though I have more events going on, I take a lot of things for granted, and for some reason I don’t want to bring them up for discussion. I’m trying to fix this, but I don’t know if I need it, because I’m more comfortable not talking too much about myself. For some reason, from the outside I admire people who are more restrained, who go towards a goal, who do not need self-promotion, whom you look at and everything is clear, based on their actions and results. I consider myself one of those.

As I wrote above, in the end we often discuss them with our friendslife , their emotions, how someone went there, looked. True, not with everyone, with some the balance is maintained. But with girlfriends who love to talk only about themselves, this is exactly the case. Just now I was on a video call with a friend for a whole hour, and for the whole hour we were discussing her exes, test-antibiotic.com those who just liked her photo, just said hello. I’ve been talking to one person for a month now, but I don’t want to tell you yet until I’m convinced that this is serious. And this is how it is in all areas of life.

Much will be called secretive. I understand that there are still different levels of emotionality and sensitivity; the same event can evoke emotions and a desire to discuss in her, but not in me.

So I have a psychological dilemma. Making your friends the center of communication is not particularly pleasant (I feel like a simpleton who wastes energy delving into someone else’s life, walking ears, a free psychologist). But on the other hand, when I start talking a lot and drawing attention to the same little things as them, I feel uncomfortable and myself turn the arrows back to her. There are no complaints about my friend, she loves to talk, of course, she will take the opportunity to fill the space with herself. But this is not the first timegirlfriend (no wonder I attract such people).

I don’t know how to “find myself” in this dilemma, understand and accept that I’m uncomfortable talking a lot about myself, test-antibiotic.com and continue to listen to them, or still try to overcome myself and start talking about everything in the same way?

What do you think about this, what would you do?

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