I realized that my husband never loved me

I realized that my husband never loved me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

We've been together for 18 years. Too many, probably, to draw any conclusions. But nonetheless.

We've always had a difficult relationship. The husband was never distinguished by tenderness and tact. I didn't see any concern from him. Neither moral nor material. His interests always came first. It's like mine never existed. As soon as I start to defend my interests, he rushes to the attack and inspires me that all this is insignificant.

I do not deny now that I myself am to blame for everything. She always looked for excuses for him, pushed herself into the background. And now, as if someone knocked rose-colored glasses from my eyes. I realized that all this time I lived with a man who does not love me. Never loved.

My feelings? Nauseous (literally) from itself. How sick of a person to whom you feel disgust. How could you have been blind for so many years? How can you not love yourself like that?


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