There are enough psychos in the world

There are enough psychos in the world
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

The story happened several years ago. It was summer. My friend Ksyusha and I were about 12-13 years old at that time. We often walked with her in the yard with other guys and everyone knew each other.

One day one came to our yardboy . Tall, bald, protruding, skinny - in general, scary, like “three basements”. However, he was very sociable by nature. Despite the fact that he was three years older than us, he immediately found a common language with all the children of all ages in our yard. His name was Sergei.

I don’t know why, but initially he paid attention to me. He pestered me and offered to meet. He caught me at the entrance and didn’t let me home; he tried to meet my mother. In general, over time, it began to cause me wild horror. I was even afraid of his voice. And in order to get rid of him, I decided to introduce him to Ksyusha.

The acquaintance was successful, and he smoothly switched from me to my friend. And Ksyukha is a modest, naive, dreamy girl. She liked Sergei's attention. This flattered her. They often sat together on a bench, hugged, and then no one doubted that they had become a couple.

Time has passed. I haven’t seen Ksyusha for a long time: either school or taekwondo training. One day, she came running to my house with round, frightened eyes and began to beg me to hide her.

“I wanted to break up with him, but he always stands under my entrance, he stalks me all the time... I barely ran away from him.”

I began to calm my friend down, but then someone started banging on my door. Opening the door, I was dumbfounded. Seryoga stood on the threshold and smiled impudently.

-Well, where is Ksyukha? There's no need to hide it.

He apparently wanted to go into the apartment, but I quickly slammed the door. He knocked for a while and left.

“Some kind of psycho,” I thought then.

Some more time passed. Every day I or one of our friends accompanied Ksyusha home - she categorically refused to go alone. When I saw her off, I often saw Sergei. He stood at a distance, but apparently did not dare to approach.

One day Ksyusha called me and, sobbing, asked me to come to her. Like, Sergei has been banging on her door for an hour and demanding to leave.

I went to check the situation. There was no one near Ksyukhin’s apartment. So I went to her house without any hindrance. The friend sat white as a sheet and refused to tell anything. She just muttered that Sergei wouldn’t leave her alone. We sat in the kitchen for a while and drank tea.

And suddenly, the front door shook and the corridor was filled with a cry: “Ksyukha, come out. I know you're home." I looked out the peephole and was not surprised to see Sergei on the stairs. His face was red, his pupils were darting back and forth. Periodically, he began slamming his hands on the door with all his might and yelling: “Come out, Ksyuuyuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! If you thought about hiding from me like that, then nothing will come of it. You are mine and you can’t get away from me!” (it's strange that the neighbors didn't do anything!)

Mymy friend turned completely white and seemed to turn grey. Yes, a calm conversation will not solve such a matter. Only an ax or a bat will help here.

And what do you think, he knocks down the door (the door is old, wooden) and flies into the apartment. Without noticing me, he grabs Ksyukha’s hands and begins to shake her. At the same time, he said something like “a traitor, she was thinking of leaving me”... or something like that. My friend screamed. Then I pounced on him and began to beat him. He left Ksyukha alone and ran after me.

In general, I almost don’t remember what happened next. I remember that I was very scared. I remember that on my way I met my neighbors, guys in their twenties. They grabbed Sergei and dragged him somewhere. Apparently, we need to figure it out. After this incident, Ksyusha and I took a long time to come to our senses.

We saw Sergei after that, but he didn’t seem to recognize us. He just walked past us without noticing.

All the better…

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