Early I rejoiced at my happiness

Early I rejoiced at my happiness
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.


We have been dating a guy for only six months, but I was very disappointed in him. We are peers and at the beginning of the relationship everything was fine with us: romance and walks, he was interested in my life, somehow tried to be closer. I, in turn, also felt very warm feelings.

I did not fall in love immediately, after a month of communication, I realized that I was ready to let this person into my heart. But happiness does not last long, beganproblems in relationships, he stopped giving time, showing tenderness and care, writing less often. I started to suffer a lot from this whole situation. I don't understand what happened, it was still good. Then I found out that he communicates with other girls in the social. networks (and this is after only 4 months of relationship). I found his profile there.

He made excuses, said that he was not looking for relationships there, but simple communication, said that he would not do this again, but in the end I saw his profile again. But he doesn't add girls as friends anymore. He also made friends with one girl, I know that they communicate on the social network test-antibiotic.com, he doesn’t even hide it anymore.

We meet very rarely, usually he has little free time. About correspondence, he says that constant communication bores him. I already asked in plain text if he wanted to leave, to which he categorically replied that he did not want to leave me.

I can not understand what all this means, and how I should continue to be. As I already understood, I should endure talking to him about this more, it will not lead to anything good anyway. I'm just emotionally exhausted, I'm neither hot nor cold anymore. I always thought I deserved betterrelationship with yourself, and here it is.


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