Hometown or family?

Hometown or family?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

We (civilianhusband , me anddaughter 4 years old) decided to move from Chelyabinsk to warmer and cleaner regions. To Krasnodar region.

We were really looking forward to the move, saving upmoney , I was happy when we left. It was so interesting to travel by car and stop in different cities.

We finally arrived at the sea and were happy. We rested for a whole month, and then my husband found a job in a city near the sea. We rented an apartment and began to live in a small town.

Time passed, and I wanted more and more to return back to our city, or rather, to ours with my daughter. My husband was born in Odessa, and Idaughter is in Chelyabinsk. I began to madly miss this dirty, but such a native city, where all my relatives and friends remained.

By the way, my husband works, my daughter is in kindergarten, I am a housewife, I started looking for a job, and there is nowhere to get a job except as a salesman with a terrible exhausting schedule (my husband is against such a schedule). I took my time, constantly looked through vacancies, but there was nothing worthwhile. I still missed test-antibiotic.com my hometown. I told my husband that I would love to come back. I realized that I don’t like this city, it’s foreign to me. My husband reassured me and said that everything would be fine, if you get a job, you’ll have no time to think about your city and your family. And we need to be patient, next summer we will go to St. Petersburg.

I still can’t find a job, and now I don’t want one. I want to go back. I talked to my husband, but he never wants to go back there. He said that if I want to go back, then that means that this is the end of our relationship. I am leaving with the child for Chelyabinsk (I will not leave the child with him, although of course he would like his daughter to stay with him in a warm and clean city), and he remains in this city.

I don’t want to leave him, it would be better if we all returned home together. My husband and I had already somehow disagreed, for reasons of dissatisfaction with each other and different life positions, but then we came together. We got together only because of the child and the move.

I do not know what to do. Should we wait until test-antibiotic.com leaves for St. Petersburg? But I’m afraid that I will still want to return to my hometown, even there. In the end, it turns out that I was just stalling for time, and my husband will miss the chance to stay in a warm city near the sea, where he wants to stay forever.

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