My sister turned away from me in trouble, but when everything worked out, she began to communicate

My sister turned away from me in trouble, but when everything worked out, she began to communicate
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

A couple of years ago I made a big mistake, I behaved meanly and ugly. There is no other way to describe it. Although my inner voice still says that this waslove and I was simply not allowed to be with that person.

It was a very difficult time for me when, having chosen one person, I lost everyone. But circumstances turned out to be such that we broke up. And all this time while I lived with this man and generally learned about him,my sister turned away from me, accusing me of wickedness. She said she no longer wanted to have a sister who shamed her. We didn’t have a close connection with her anyway, and after that we stopped communicating altogether.

I came to terms with this and began to move on with my life. And she in turnEvery day I called my mother, found out how I was and what was wrong with me, and then started telling her what gossip and rumors were going on about me. She said that I disgraced everyone (we live in the Caucasus). After every conversation with her, my mother felt bad, and she also began to blame me. But this is not the point of, but the fact that the sister who accused me did not communicate with me, turned the rest of my relatives against me, also spread rumors and told my relatives everything thatMom told her about me.

My sister was aware of everything that was happening in my life. She didn't communicate with me for 2 years. And only after I broke up with that person and leftmarried to someone else, she began to try to get closer to me. At first, I was against communicating with her. But I felt sorry for my mother, she really wanted us to make peace. And I agreed.

So, now we communicate with her, but my soul doesn’t lie, I can’t have a heart-to-heart talk with her, tell her like a loved one about my problems, share secrets, because I don’t trust her. And since I was vicious then, what has changed now? After all, what's done is done. If time has passed, this does not mean that I did not commit that act. It turns out that my sister abandoned me in trouble, and when I was doing well, showed up.

I really want to hear yoursadvice on what to do? I really need your advice and outside perspective.

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