Own relationships on the side did not help me forget my wife's betrayal

Own relationships on the side did not help me forget my wife's betrayal
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Before my wife cheated, I was a good husband. I didn’t walk, I worked a lot, a lot, I did everything for the sake of our family and child. We had a great relationship (I thought). Before the birth of our first child, we could not “get out” of bed all weekend. And everything was great. There were, of course, domestic quarrels, but nothing serious and critical.

Over time, of course, this passion faded a little. But I loved my wife. I remember exactly my feeling of happiness and excellent prospects when in the morning I brought my son to kindergarten, and on the way to work, I thought how good everything is: I get high from my son, from my wife, I saw career prospects, saw our bright future and was happy with it. We planned the purchase of an apartment, went together, chose everything, looked after and made plans. We went on vacation and often met with friends and parents.

Then the fact of his wife's infidelity was revealed. It was not a one-time, but lasted at least a month, until the moment when I opened it. I was dying, physically. This was a terrible pain. I did not understand why and test-antibiotic.com than I deserved it. The wife did not make any excuses, of course, she asked for forgiveness and said that this was just a small affair. I took a break, I needed to cool down.

My first intrigue It happened two or three weeks later. I was overcome with anger and a desire for revenge. I just got trampled like a man and lost all my confidence. There was a girl at work that I liked purely outwardly, but before, I never had any thoughts of tying something with her. But it started spinning… For my part, it was all like a blur. One-time meetings and no talk about the future and about love. After a month of such communication, she began to become persistent in terms of my divorce and life with her. Perhaps she had some feelings, but I did not understand them, and I could not and did not want anything at that time. And yes, she didn't know about my problem. We finished on my initiative.

The score was equal (I thought so). Stupidity. There was a month or two of my "rapprochement" with my wife. This is the weirdest and dumbest part of the whole test-antibiotic.com story. Why I did it and for what - even now I do not understand. Complete confusion in the head. There were many conversations, there were many nights together. The child was then sent to the grandparents for a month (summer). And I found out about her pregnancy already at the 2nd month. I leave behind the scenes my emotions at that moment.

A daughter was born. I convinced myself to love her. And now, years later, I fell in love madly. I love both my children, but it seems to me that I love my daughter even more.

I accepted my wifemother of children and nothing more. We did not bring up the topics of the past, but all the passion,love , emotions are gone. I have only children and scorched earth left in relation to my wife. Sex we had and remained very rare and without emotions, on my initiative. We haven't kissed since. I bought an apartment (realizing in advance that I would leave it to the children), arranged my life and plunged into work and children. Immersed for years.

Intrigue number 2. I really liked the girl - a work colleague. She knew test-antibiotic.com that I was married and knew of only one child (daughter was then about a year old). She felt my sympathy, and she herself invited me to dinner. Then there were a series of meetings. There was no sex. It was all about feelings. She was very romantic, and I knew that I could not give her anything in return. I won’t leave the family now and I wanted to turn her into a mistress the last thing. I wanted to be honest with her. This platonic love ended like that. I told her about the second child, and she understood everything. What did I understand? Then I realized that I still had something left inside me and that I was not dead yet. This was very important to me.

Our whole family life now is pure child-centrism. All our conversations with my wife are about children, all our joint shopping trips are only for clothes for children or toys. We do not go with her to the cinema or restaurants together, we do not communicate as lovers or as kindred spirits. Free time from children test-antibiotic.com we score with work or friends. We can't be one on one. Entourage for children and relatives and the illusion of a family.

Many members of the forum write why I suddenly decided to “buck up” right now?

Yes, because my years have already proven that my wife and I have no future. I lived (and live) with her all this time on the machine. Anger has dulled, of course, but resentment, distrust, unwillingness remain and will not go anywhere. I guess I'm just tired of all this. And I'm very sorry that this happened in my life. And the children are the most sorry...

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