Is it worth trying to get your boyfriend back if he said he stopped loving you?

Is it worth trying to get your boyfriend back if he said he stopped loving you?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I want to share it with no one else. I am 23 years old. I'm from the Caucasus. I lived in Moscow for three years. I only moved home a year and a half ago. I'm orthodox. In Moscow I met a guy who was 13 years older than me. He is Russian, and I am from the Caucasus. I fell in love with him very much (at that moment I thought I loved him very much) but, no. He was my first man in my life. I suffered greatly for him. He immediately told me that nothing would happen between us. I gave in out of stupidity, really. It was like I was wearing rose-colored glasses.

Then, 3 months later, I met a guy, a Caucasian, who doesn’t like Russians, that is, when our girls communicate with others. Everything was perfect for us. He constantly called, came, took care. But it so happened, and I told him that I was not a virgin, he reacted very well, I did not expect him to answer like that. It’s just a matter of principle for us. Then it so happened that he is my second. Only I lied to him that the first time was not with a Russian, but with another guy, they say, I dated for 3 years, but it turned out to be married.

I sit here and think how stupid I am, why did I need this. He still doesn't believe me. He doubts me that before him he was not my second. But that's his right. I didn’t prove it. Because of this, we constantly have quarrels. Jealousy , forbade me to communicate with my friend. And I initially put myself in such a position that I could not say anything to him in response. She deceived him herself. What I regret so much now. I went to a friend and told him that I was in another place. He found out about it. I understand that we must tell the truth, no matter what happens. But he pressed. We've been together for a year, lately he's cooled down. He himself told me that he needed time, he was confused. I gave him time, he wrote and returned two weeks later. We met for a month, and again he said that he didn’t love her.

He no longer has such feelings for me. I myself have decided to leave now. Because I understand that he doesn’t love me. I humiliated myself, asked him to come back, and said that he wanted freedom. He is also 23 years old. He doesn’t work anywhere, and there were constant breakdowns. He asked me to hold him until he started working, maybe something would change. I never demanded anything from him. I did everything for him, so he lost interest in me, there was too much of me in his life. Just recommend something, maybereturn and how? What can I do to make him write and start being jealous? I really want to return him and not lie anymore. Today I came in and saw his best friend as a friend, whom he couldn’t stand, sheMarried . And I no longer communicate with my friend. I'm just wondering if he himself is not ashamed to add it. I both hate him and love him very much.

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