Is it worth waiting for your man?

Is it worth waiting for your man?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I lived alone for a long time and was recovering from a series of unsuccessful relationships that squeezed me out likelemon _ Last year I met a good man: I experienced such deep, vivid feelings for the first time in my life, I have something to compare with. He and I were together all the time, it seemed to me that it would always be like this. But something was constantly changing with him: he stopped calling and answering my phone calls, did not log into social networks, and disappeared for weeks in an unknown place. I went crazy from ignorance, I even drank. Nothing intelligible about that. where he is, what he is doing, and why he disappears, I never got it from him. I built the most fantastic versions, but what's the point?

Some time passed, I pulled myself together. When 2 months passed after the last breakup, he tried to return, but I didn’t allow it. 10 months passed, all this time he tried to come back, I desperately wanted this, but I was afraid to relive those moments of stress and pain. He swore that he realized how much he loved me and didn’t even want to see anyone else. And I gave up, again threw myself into the pool, and again the same thing - he disappeared, and then he said that there were things to do, to which I replied: “It doesn’t matter anymore, I’m not alone anymore.”

Why did it take so long to beg me to come back if he didn’t need ours?relationships if he doesn’t value them? Why should I suffer, wait while he resolves his issues and goes about his business, which I don’t even know anything about? Why do I need it? After all, time is running out, the years are passing, and I can’t just sit and wait. It’s easier for men, for them appearance and wrinkles don’t play such a big role, they don’t need manicures, solariums and shopping - after all, they are not judged by their appearance. But what to do with feelings, because you can’t subordinate everything to cold logic and live like a robot...

I don’t know what to do, please tell me who has encountered this. Maybe he has another onefamily or some illegal business? I'm tired of making theories and tormenting myself with guesses.

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