My husband's strange hobbies

My husband's strange hobbies
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Married for a little over three years. A few months after the wedding I sawhusband photo of a young lady, brunette. She asked who she was. He replied that it was from a dating site, which he had already deleted. They just communicate. From simple communication, he learned her height, weight, where she lived, and so on. We quarreled, but I forgave. I really thoughtcommunication .

Time passed, relatively not long. We started visiting mutual friends. And therehis best friend's sister looked at him strangely. Either he’ll ask for a cigarette, or he’ll walk closer, or he’ll make caustic comments about me. Onthe question is why she does this,The husband again found an excuse, saying that she is a friend’s sister, such a character. Later I found out that sister is sister, and this is his exthe girl who cheated on her husband with him. Okay, I endured it. Further, worse.

My husband has frequent business trips, for weeks at a time. It happens that he goes to study in another city for work. I began to notice that in the evenings she was not answering calls. And then once, in the next school week. We talked on the phone, I was sitting at his laptop, suddenly I saw messages on Skype, at first I didn’t pay attention. But there were many of them. I couldn’t resist, I opened it, and there he wasmoney is watching another girl via video call. I couldn’t stand it and told him what I knew. I didn’t recognize it as treason. It was very painful and upsetting.

We havechild (he is one year old). Recently, or rather in November 2018, I found out about his next betrayal. I met, saw the correspondence, paid financially, thanked for the services provided and wanted another meeting. As it turned out, this was not their only meeting. We communicated until the end of November. There is also a dating site on which he sits and acts as a sponsor. He brings almost no money home. Doesn't work with the child at all. He constantly criticizes me. And most importantly, he says that all this is notbetrayal , and so, his lust, and that he hoped that I would take it for granted. I don't know what to do, I'm tormenting myself.

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