Strange suitor

Strange suitor
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

He looked after mea man , handsome, seemingly wealthy (but this is not certain). She suspected that he was exaggerating his achievements.

Literally from the second or third day of meeting, he said that he was looking for a wife. Exactly my wife, seriousrelationship . If I’m not ready for this, then we’re not on the same path. I suit him very well (according to him), beautiful, well-mannered, quite intelligent and no longer a teenager (33 years old). I am a very reasonable person, so I answered: “How can you decide so quickly about such serious things? It takes time to understand whether this is your person or not. There must be the same view of the world, common values, similar interests.”

Even though I am a woman, my internal structure is quite complex; I am very demanding of my partner’s moral values, his erudition and broad-mindedness. I will quickly get bored with a narrow-minded person with whom there is nothing to talk about. ANDSex won't help this matter. As it turned out later, we have different values, and we have nothing to talk about except the most ordinary things, such as who has what hobby and who likes what kind of music. I love to talk for hours on philosophical topics. Moreover, it’s more interesting for me to talk about this with men than with women. He retorted, saying, why do I need all this, I’m a woman, I should think about children, about how to cook delicious food, to please my husband (infidel is looking for a maid). In response to my opinion in history or politics, he said that I was simply stupid (because it didn’t coincide with his opinion), although he himself was a complete zero in this. He says: “I’m not interested in politics, I don’t care.” Although there is an expression that whoever is not interested in politics will be interested in it.

But I didn’t focus on politics, although as a man it’s a rather strange position. Then more nuances began to appear, like a small thing, but a rather strange little thing. For example: I enlarged my lips, didn’t tell him anything, he saw my new photo on my Viber avatar and started writing why I ruined myself, and that I’m not thinking about what I should think about, that I’m fixated on my appearance, I’m already old for this. But this is already rudeness, in my opinion! I replied that this was my personal business.

The second case: he came to my work without warning early in the morning, I had a headmistress, but this did not stop him, he began to calmly talk about his news in front of her. I asked to come later and was generally dissatisfied and harsh, but he was offended and said that I was apparently not happy with him. In general, there were a lot of insults on his part. Moreover, I should have been offended and indignant, not him. His calls are early in the morning, although I warned that the owl and morning calls are very annoying to me.

And finally, the last straw waslies about the fact that he plays seven instruments without graduating from music school and in general no one ever showed him, he doesn’t even know the notes, he just has super abilities, and he took it from his head. When I offered to play and send a video, he began to make excuses that he had sold everything and was not playing now, there was no time. I have never seen such blatant lies in my life, and most importantly, why?

In general, even though he said, he was fluent, mountains of gold and beautifulhe promised a relationship for his future wife, but for some reason it only caused me great irritation. I couldn’t relax with him and stoppedcommunication with him. Now I doubt it, maybe in vain? Maybe he would be a good partner, but I got carried away?

Who had similar cases? I'm asking for advice from anyone who has found themselves in a similar situation.

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