My mother-in-law accuses me of marrying her son to me

My mother-in-law accuses me of marrying her son to me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My mother-in-law loves our daughter Polina very much, but she doesn’t love me, she just can’t come to terms with the fact thatI got married while pregnant. That’s why I constantly hear that I took advantage of this and married her son to me. Polina is 3 years old, I went to work a year ago because my mother-in-law agreed to be with her granddaughter. Every day she comes to us and leaves when I come home from work. Previously, my husband and I suggested that she move in with us so as not to wander aroundevery day almost from the other end of the city, but my mother-in-law flatly refused. I often offer to stay at least overnight to rest, but my mother-in-law never stays even for dinner and still tries to ignore me.

It irritates me that even in my presence, my mother-in-law can tell her daughter something bad about me, knowing that I will remain silent, as always. Recentlymy husband bought a doll for my daughter, she immediately began to show it to her grandmother who came, she praised her, but at the same time she could not restrain herself and said: “Your dad is a good one, he loves you, but your mother has no time to take care of you, she has things are more important." I was so offended, but again I didn’t say anything, because I was afraid that she would get angry and go home, and I would go to work, where would I put Polina then.

In the evening, when my mother-in-law left, I still couldn’t stand it and complained to my husband and asked to talk to my mother so that she could restrain her hatred of me, at least in front of the child. He said that he understands me and that he himself doesn’t like it, but he can’t do anything. He said: “You have to be patient, sinceMom sits with her daughter, so we save on a nanny, and the child is better off with his grandmother than in kindergarten or with a stranger.” It turns out that now everything is allowed to her, since she is nursing her own beloved granddaughter, who would not exist if, as my mother-in-law says, I would not have taken advantage of the moment.

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