My mother-in-law asks for help, but I'm afraid to help her

My mother-in-law asks for help, but I'm afraid to help her
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have a wonderfulhusband . He's the only oneson of his single mother. She is also a good person. My husband and I have been in debt for several years. We pay on time. Everything is stable. But almost all the salary goes towards these loans. That’s why we work hard to get rid of them as quickly as possible, because we are mentally exhausted from these debts.

And recently my mother-in-law calls her husband and asks him to takea loan for a large amount (by my husband’s and my standards) for a down payment to purchase an apartment with a mortgage. She lives with her sister and they are being evicted from their rental apartment. They now want to buy an apartment together. For this they need the initial amount. The mother-in-law says that she and her sister will pay it themselves.

He had this conversation in front of me and agreed without talking to me. This upset me. Later we discussed everything with him. The husband admitted that he did not want to take out a loan for her. He is sure that she can handle it herself and will be able to solve this problem without his participation.question . He seems to be calm, but now I’m worried and I’m suffering from pangs of conscience. Yes, I really don’t want my husband and I to take out a loan for someone. Even if they promise that they will pay on time. To me this is not a very good story.

My mother-in-law's sister is not doing wellhealth . Suddenly they will not be able to pay both the mortgage and this loan at the same time due to the fact thatThe mother-in-law's sister will not be able to earn enough. And thus my husband and I will be forced to pay for them. We have a common budget. We add up our salaries, which we again earn from several jobs and spend almost entirely on the loan.

It’s as if I’m making excuses, but I’m tormented by a feeling of guilt that we didn’t help my mother-in-law.

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