You wouldn't wish such relatives on your enemy either.

You wouldn't wish such relatives on your enemy either.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I read on the siteconfession about bad relatives and decided that my so-called relatives deserve a separate story. I am very sorry for my mother and ashamed of her two older sisters. Yes, and for the children of these sisters, too, ashamed.

This whole situation has been around for a long time. Only minefor some reason, mom and dad did not notice this. And I saw this attitude from childhood. That my parents among these two sisters have the image of fools, and my mother is supposedly a hypocrite and a spender. And I know mine very wella mother who loved these two women, and loves to this day, no matter what. Whatever the financial situation in our family, she always hospitably received them, sentmoney when they needed help, even when we had to save ourselves.

For several years, my adult cousin, the son of an older sister, lived with us in a small rented apartment in Moscow. He ate and drank at my parents' expense. He did not give a penny for accommodation, and they did not ask him to. When my maternal grandmother was paralyzed, the family of the older aunt had to make room for some time, since we had a small living space, and they lived in a three-room apartment four hours drive from the capital. My grandparents lived with my aunt for a little over a year, until my cousin kicked them out on the pretext of an urgent overhaul. Since then, grandmother was with us until the very end. In one room she was with her husband, in the other - me, mom, dad and my cousin.

A few years after the death of my grandmother, we moved to our spacious apartment in the Moscow region with my grandfather. Grandfather at that time also needed special care because of his blindness. My cousin also got his own housing in another part of the Moscow region. And my middle aunt unforgettably congratulated us on the housewarming. She was so shocked that the emotions from her beat with a powerful negative key. She simply made a scandal out of the blue. She screamed that we were fat, that we were lucky loafers (this despite the fact that my parents worked all their lives at from morning to night). Ultimately, she simply cursed us and our house. Not embarrassed by her own father, she wished that our faces would be distorted, that we would be crippled.

The arrival of the cousin was a turning point. A cousin, the daughter of an older aunt, needed to stay in Moscow for about a month for the courses, and her employer provided her with a free hostel. She decided to stay with us, and, moreover, she did not ask permission, but put it before the fact. At that moment we had a renovation, there were four people in the apartment, I myself slept in the kitchen. For this reason, she was refused. But, despite the refusal, she arrived with suitcases. After dinner, I had to repeat the refusal, and this became an occasion for a deadly resentment for life. From her side, and from the older aunt. I'm assuming my cousin just resold her dorm space to someone and got herself into an awkward situation. But whose fault was it if she hadn't bothered to talk to the owners beforehand?

This refusal divided the relationship of the two sisters into "before" and "after". The elder aunt said that she would not communicate with us now in her life. And for nothing that her adult son lived for years on the grubs of my mom and dad. It's a gift that she herself put her own sick mother in a passenger car and sent her to a rented cramped apartment in the winter. Once, you know, they refused.

True faces were revealed after the death of his grandfather. At first, they tried to refuse us a place of burial. The thing is that grandmother (it was her initiative and grandfather) was buried in the city where her eldest livesdaughter . And next to her bought a place for her husband. We were told thatThe aunt's husband refused to give up a place next to the grandmother, as he wants to be buried next to her himself. The son-in-law allegedly decided to lie next to his mother-in-law and move his father-in-law. I am one hundred percent sure that my uncle did not express such intentions, and all this is an invention of my aunt and her daughter, who simply did not want to participate in the funeral and receive us at the wake in their house. One way or another, but the parents managed to insist on the execution of the last will of the deceased.

Before leaving for that city,'s cousin came to visit us. Sat at the coffin and left before dawn. And everything would be fine if there was someone to take out the body. There was me, mom, dad and this cousin. For no reason, a cousin needed to travel in his car instead of a minibus. And he did not care at all how his grandfather would be endured. The driver was supposed to arrive early in the morning, when the neighbors were still sleeping. My father went around at night and looked for workers at hypermarkets in order to ask them for this service for a fee. They would gladly agree, if not for the early start of the shift. I don’t know how we would have managed to bury grandfather in the first half of the day if the priest and the driver had not agreed to help with the removal.

My mother still communicates and helps her middle sister to this day. She tried several times to re-establish contact with her older sister, who dropped calls and spoke pompous and cruel words to her. I say to my mother: “Don’t you understand, is it good that such people no longer enter our house?” And she: “What are you? These are my sisters.” I saw how it hurt her during conversations with her sister. I am glad that my grandmother did not see all this indecency, and grandfather - part of this story.

People often say that they were brought up by themselves. No, this is not the case. I knew my grandparents well. They were decent, wise, fair and very kind people who raised their children with dignity. But it happens that people are born and become so in spite of everything.