Only after a quarrel does the guy begin to communicate normally with me

Only after a quarrel does the guy begin to communicate normally with me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.


I am by nature a closed person, I am afraid to share problems and secrets with others, and I do not have friends whom I could trust and who would not be busy with their own affairs.

The thing is, I don't have enough communication with my boyfriend. At the moment, due to circumstances, we temporarily live in different cities. I constantly miss, write and call. And he rarely does it. I don't doubt his feelings, it's just that he's always busy with things or just says he's busy. But 5 minutes of communication a day is enough for him, while this is sorely lacking for me. I don't want to demand this from him because I feel pathetic about it. I don't want to be so dependent on talking to him. I try to keep myself busy with work (he and I are now working remotely), hobbies, reading books and much more, I'm not bored, I always know what to do with myself, but behind all this I constantly think about him, and after dark, so generally feel so alone.

In a previous relationship, the person I was dating was constantly texting and calling me when we were apart. Maybe I'm used to it. I am tormented by my conscience that I constantly remember him because of this. Maybe I haven't moved on from that relationship yet? What should I do? What should I do? I don’t want to demand attention from a guy and feel like a small child, but the feeling of loneliness eats me up, I am often in a bad mood and this causes quarrels over small things. At least during quarrels, he pays attention to me, but I understand that this is very stupid.


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