I can no longer forgive the third betrayal of my husband

I can no longer forgive the third betrayal of my husband
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Probably all banal, but that doesn't make it any easier. How many marriages have been ruined by the cell phone and the internet? Unfortunately, there are no such statistics.

We have been together for 10 years, married for 7, studied together, work in the same field. The first call about the traitor husband was a month after the wedding, SMS and correspondence in the social. his networks with a colleague, not just correspondence, with all the favors and delays at corporate parties, supposedly just communication and nothing more, I forgave, I don’t remember why.

Second time in 4 years. Everything is the same only with the other, older than me and with a child. I left for another city, he immediately rushed after me, forgive me on my knees, flowers. The second time it was very painful, it all happened during the first attempt at IVF, we have male infertility. Of course, no Eco did not work out with such a hassle. This tyagomotina lasted more than six months, I also learned from the phone.

My God, I'm writing now and I think why I need this. Maybe just to figure it out. Now we have a little son. The long-awaited, test-antibiotic.com begged, loved and again my feminine instinct did not let me down. For a long time I was going with my thoughts to climb into the phone with clarifications and details. After another quarrel, I decided that everything was enough, and the baby and I suffer from my paranoia and hassle. I climbed in, it was confirmed, I told him a day later that I knew everything and did not want to find out or hear anything, I was once again convinced that he was a traitor.

God, how it hurts when the heart and soul are simply torn to pieces and you want to howl, but you can’t with the baby, you have to control yourself. Again excuses that this is only communication by phone, that sometimes he needs it, and he loves only me and sees the future only with me. You understand that I do not believe that this is just communication? And also, judging by the details, as soon as I found out, he talked for a long time with one of his same friend, who does not put his wife (by the way, an ideal woman in all respects) in anything. So he was aware.

Here I don't know what to do. Says that test-antibiotic.com will not leave andhe won’t give a divorce , because he can’t live without us, but I’m disgusted with him at all, there is no trust at all. I set the condition that I know all the passwords of both the phone and the social. networks, agreed only to the phone, and then I see that it is getting dark. I can leave only in six months, when the baby grows up and can go to the garden, and I go to work so that I can fully provide for myself and my son. And now how to live? Or again to believe and forgive? But nothing works out for me, I became suspicious, terrible thoughts in my head if he was on the phone or went somewhere.

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