It's hard for you, granddaughter

It's hard for you, granddaughter
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

The story is based on real events that happened to me between 2003 and 2004.

Grandmother died in 1999 on September 1st. On this day, I was supposed to go to the 10th grade at a new school, and I sat at my grandmother’s coffin and could not believe that she was no longer there. This was the only person to whom I trusted all my childhood secrets, shared my thoughts, and, in principle, my grandmother raised me.

In 2003 I leftgot married , after 2 months I realized thatpregnant _ This news is forhusband was not positive, the word “abortion” began to be heard more and more often. It is clear that I did not kill my child, thenThe husband began to take active action, he could push, pinch, and brought me to tears. In general, I left my husband, it was already a decent amount of time. Then I found out that my husband hasmistress , and she is also pregnant. Everyone knew this, but they were silent. I also guessed, but as they say, if you're not caught, you're not a thief.

And then one day my good-for-nothing husband came for me. He cried and asked for forgiveness. Forgave, returned, started living together again. What happened next cannot be rationally explained.

Once again I was going to the hospital for an examination. I got dressed, started going down the stairs, stumbled and fell. He stood behind him and said through gritted teeth: “Bring me good news, tell me that he is dead.” Somehow I got to the bus stop and got on the bus. There were few people, I sat and cried from resentment and pain, just the thought of those words took my breath away.

I did not return home to him. I came to my parents and pretended that everything was fine. And at night I saw a dream that I remembered forever: as if I was standing in a room, butthe apartment is not ours, but someone else’s, my grandmother comes through the door, she leads the children, a boy and a girl, by the hand. She stood opposite me and said to the boy: “Go to mom,” and looked at me with her warm, affectionate gaze (as she always did, especially in childhood, when we sat down to have breakfast with her). “It’s hard for you, granddaughter, I see how hard it is, you’re my little blood.” She stood there a little longer, turned around and went to the exit, and took the girl with her. To my question: “Where is it?” Grandmother replied that it was not time yet.

The birth went just fine, a healthy boy was born. I divorced my husband, his secondthe child was born 4 months later. I often see my husband's ex-lover pushing a wheelchair around our village. My husband had a stroke and his entire right side was paralyzed. As his father-in-law said, on July 22 at 3 a.m. they heard inarticulate mooing from his room. An ambulance was called. Mythe son was born at 3 am on July 22. Is it a coincidence or is there still a God in the world?

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