Arrogance or gaps in education?

Arrogance or gaps in education?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I remembered how I worked in a government agency. Then for me all restrictions were the norm. And now I look back and I don’t understand why an ordinary employee couldn’t go into the reception area where the secretary was sitting and leave documents for her to sign?

Even on behalf of the boss, you had to call in advance and agree with the secretary when you could come over (she could drink tea and coffee, smoke, chat on the phone and don’t care if her boss left and didn’t sign - it would still be your fault).

Even deputy department heads were allowed into the secretary's reception area by appointment. Why in one structure on the floor did the manager have security and you were not even allowed into the common corridor on the floor, he was just an official in a certain place, and not a deity (I don’t want to blaspheme, but I’m sorry). Why in another organization, on the floor where the deputy sits? did the manager or the manager have separate electronic passes, did the heads of only some departments have a special key in the elevator to go up to the floor?

Why if an employee was going to work and suddenly the manager arrived at the same time, she was rudely pushed away by male security guards from the entrance to the building, and you had to wait for her to enter the building, wait for the elevator and leave on it, and this sometimes 15-20 minutes? And you stand under the door of the building and wait for the employee at the entrance to wave at you, saying okay, and then write an explanation for being late? Why if the deputy the manager came to your boss, did he come with security? As if the boss or ordinary employees (mostly women) would do something to him? Why, when they chipped in for employees’ birthdays (we had a rate of 200 rubles each) and in one month there were three birthday people on the same day, everyone else gave 600 at the rate of dividing by 3, the head of the department did not distribute the money in envelopes equally, to some then she put more, someone less? Why didn’t the heads of other departments even respond to your greeting if you met them in the corridor, but just looked at you like you were an empty place?

But my boss hada friend from another department, never answered “hello”, I from once didn’t say hello to her when I met her on the stairs, and she went to my supervisor and threw a scandal: “What does she think she is? Who raised her? An uncouth cattle and her parents are pigs, they didn’t teach her that you need to say hello! She passed as if she didn’t see.” They called me in, and I responded to the comments: “Why should I greet you if you don’t answer?” To which the answer was: “I am the boss, and who are you to be answered, you are a trifle here, an empty place.” True, then I quit my job and met this woman in the store, in the line for the fitting room, she stared at me with all her eyes, and I looked at her like she was an empty seat and didn’t let her go ahead in the line at the checkout. She tried to overtake me, but she was pushed back with her elbow.

And I don’t even want to talk about the people outside the windows! For many, you are an enemy and a ruiner, there is no light in the building, it’s your fault, the computer froze, it’s your fault, not everyone behaved like this, of course, but many did. I remember I cameman , I explained everything to him politely, I accepted everything from him, he thank me, thank you, you work so well, quickly, so I understand well-trained people. And then he came out and wrote a complaint against me, demanding to be punished. He did it out of spite, to mock me, but I was punished with a ruble, tortured with inspections, and the management was on the side of the one who complained, and not on mine, despite the video cameras all around. Why is that? Maybe someone was sadShare your experience .

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