Instead of love, the guy offers friendship

Instead of love, the guy offers friendship
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have been communicating with a young man for about 3 years now. When we first met, we tried to buildrelationship , but nothing worked out, somehow it was decided by itself, and we didn’t discuss it later.

Another six months later, when my feelings for him did not go away, I confessed to him about it. We said a lot to each other, stopped communicating for a while, but then resumed againcommunication . I think it also helps that we live in a dormitory and see each other almostevery day . And we still communicate. I’m very tired of this, of the uncertainty, of constantly waiting for something. I am very much in love with him, and he either hugs me, then suddenly decides that he wants to kiss me, or he just wants me. And he doesn’t say it out loud, he just does it. We recently hadsex . He has a relationship, he and his girlfriend have been around for a long time, but we continue to communicate as if nothing had happened. But this doesn’t suit me, I want us to finally talk, I want him to speak about us. I don't know how to do this. I'm afraid of losing this lack of friendship of ours. He is dear to me. And from some of his actions, I can conclude that I am not indifferent to him either.

I can tell him something, he can advise, help, etc. he's not a bad person. Unless there is something missing in me for him to love me. I wanted to tell him: “You worry about your girlfriend, about your ex-girlfriend, about what someone will think when they see you, but you never thought at all what I think, what I feel. Explain to me too, tell me what’s in your head, what thoughts, what feelings, because if you don’t have anything, nothing, then how can we communicate?” And invite him to think, even if he doesn’t say it right away, because he’s like that, even if he’s there until the end of March, I don’t know, but it’s very important to me now.

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