Instead of helping, my mother spends time at the dacha and criticizes me

Instead of helping, my mother spends time at the dacha and criticizes me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I really want my own company, and right now it turns out that I have the resource for it and the feeling that if I stop, then I won’t be able to force myself.

I havehusband , two small children. My husband supports me, now everyone is developingthe money I earn, he helps with the nanny, money, and also works. But not mineMother . For her, it’s more important not to help me, but to go to the dacha and preserve food all day long.tomatoes , bake some unnecessary cakes or bread.

I understand that she is doing this for herself, not for me, although it is all served with a sauce - “I canned it for you.” Yes, I don’t need this canned food, these tomatoes andI can easily buy cucumbers . But right now, more than ever, I needhelp with children and support.

We earned our own housing, never asked anyone for help, and even now I just work at night because I’m with the children during the day. But then there’s no point in me starting a showdown at night (I’m visiting my mother right now). She spends the whole day at the dacha, and then makes a scandal because I’m working at 12 at night. I think it’s better to ask how you can help and help me, rather than make comments. This really irritates me.

It may be selfish, but now is a time when parents can only count on their children, especially with meager pensions. That's why we need to help children.