Increasingly, I began to catch myself thinking that I want to leave my husband

Increasingly, I began to catch myself thinking that I want to leave my husband
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

There is no betrayal in my story, no domestic violence or humiliation. I used to stand up for myself, but more and more often I began to catch myself thinking that I wanted to live separately from my husband.

I am a very non-conflict person and always try to diplomatically resolve relations with my husband. But the farther, the more he is annoyed by everything and everything in general, he walks dissatisfied and irritable for no reason. Even when he arrivesMom , he's losing his temper. My position is that my mother will come for a couple of weeks, she is a person with her own habits, and somewhere I will give in, somewhere as a joke, but understandably, I will outline the boundaries. He manages not to live a week without a scandal with her. It's even worse with my parents. Himself will inflateproblems , he will lead to a scandal.

But I don’t need all these swings, I have a nervous job, I’m trying to keep my small company afloat and I simply don’t have the strength for domestic conflicts. Do not want. I'm good at homewife , cook dinner, hug, talk, watch a movie with a glass of wine or fly to hang out at another end of the earth is mine. Only on the positive, without scandals.

He is a good father, and I don’t need another man, but I don’t want to be constantly in some kind of negative emotions. I have one life and I have no desire to waste it on quarrels. Not only my psyche suffers from quarrels, but also the psyche of children. I start yelling at them, pulling. I'm afraid that one day I'll break. I don't want my children to suffer because their father puts me out of my mind.

But I understand why a husband feels bad when everything is fine.

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