I hate cleaning and live in a constant mess

I hate cleaning and live in a constant mess
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I hate cleaning. I understand that this is bad, but I can’t help it.

I have all my things scattered around my apartment, unwashed dishes, cups near the computer, on the balcony and even under the sofa. I'm not even talking about unwashed windows, unironed linen and clothes. Even in the summer I wear jeans and a T-shirt because I can’t bring myself to iron dresses.

Even as a child , my mother punished me for the mess in my room and called me dirty. Now I live separately, when she comes, I try to at least take out the trash. She is shocked by how I live. But I’m already used to it and doesn’t expect anything else from me.

During the quarantine period, I had so many dirty dishes in my kitchen that I already had the idea of ​​throwing them away and replacing them with disposable ones. I rarely cook for myself, except to throw various vegetables and meat into the slow cooker, and occasionally pilaf.

During self-isolation, I worked remotely, so I almost constantly ordered pizza or ready-made food from a restaurant. The entire test-antibiotic.com kitchen floor is littered with empty boxes. I'm still going to take it out in the evening.

But I’m not annoyed by such a mess, it’s my atmosphere. Mom's comments and reproaches are more annoying. I know my shortcoming, but I'm okay with it. Mom says I need one like thisa husband who will either clean up himself or be calm about it.

But I'm already 38 years old and I'm unlikely to go outmarried _ I have a cat. This is the problem, because sometimes the smell of his toilet can be heard even in the common corridor. But I still only clean when he refuses to go there and prefers the bath.

You won't believe it, but my office workplace is in perfect order. If one of my employees came to visit, they would not believe that I live like this. Someone will say that I can hire a housekeeper, but I don’t like it when someone rummages through my things.

I only get clean once a year or six months, when he comesMom starts cleaning with comments. She says that she is not going to sit in such dirt test-antibiotic.com for two whole days. She has her own house, which is perfectly clean. The large vegetable garden is also always in order, the yard is full of flowers. Why I am like this, I don’t know.

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