This is not at all how I imagined my job at school

This is not at all how I imagined my job at school
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am younga girl who graduated from pedagogical college this year and was “lucky” to find a job at school.

From this wonderful moment in my life, hell began - eternal lack of sleep, constant nagging from the director (it gets to the point that she is not satisfied with the color of the document folders). I receive comments from more experienced teachers (calm down your children, they bother me). We are talking about first grade children!

At this age, children are restless, and due to my little experience, I simply cannot cope with them. I asked experienced teachers for help, but they waved me off and said that it was mineProblems . I wrote an application for payment, but the director didn’t let me leave, saying, where else will they get you like that?

As a result, I’m still at work and, on top of that, I’m also taking exams in primary school. And no one is interested in the fact that I am at school from seven in the morning until seven in the evening and that I can’t really do anything at my main job. This is my job.

I understood perfectly well what I was getting into,, but still it’s not worth putting such a huge burden on a person who has just completed his studies and actually knows nothing.

Read together with it: