I became a withdrawn and insecure person

I became a withdrawn and insecure person
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I’m a student, I just have to finish my last year of study and I’ll be able to return home, but that’s not the problem.

A couple of months ago I broke up with my girlfriend, we lived together for 4 years, making plans for the futurelife , and everything seemed to be fine. Over the course of 4 years, I lost all my friends, and at the beginning of autumn my girlfriend and I broke up.

I continued to live, study, and work. I periodically tried to distract myself by going to the club on weekends, but each time it ended with me only getting sober on Monday morning. I was fired from my job a month ago, and it’s not so easy for a student to find a new job. For a month of searching, I have not come one step closer to the result, they are slowly running outmoney , but I don’t really want to ask my parents for help.

It seems that not everything is so scary, but all attempts to start newthe relationship ended unsuccessfully. Over the past month, I have developed apathy towards everything; I don’t want anything, just to get away from everyone on a desert island or somewhere else. I only leave the house atuniversity and test-antibiotic.com store, the rest of the time I stay at home. I don’t want to do anything, I can’t find a job, and I’m not even able to find some new hobby.

I don’t see any incentive or prospects for myself, and besides, the New Year is in a month and it scares me a little that in the familyDuring the holiday, I will be alone in an unknown place, and not with my family in my hometown, there is no way to leave. There is only one thought in my head that when I return, I will immediately ruin everything for my relatives. I have become a completely insecure person, constantly emotionally depressed and all the thoughts in my head that things won’t get any better, at least for me, I understand that as I get older there will only be more problems and this whole bad streak will never end.

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