I suffer with my daughter and her boyfriend

I suffer with my daughter and her boyfriend
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

It's about my daughter and her relationship with her boyfriend. She dated a young man (5 years old) for a very long time, whom I didn’t really want to see next to her.

There were actions on his part that clearly did not suit him well. However, more than once she pulled him out of troubles, helped him with money, accompanied him and his daughter to the army, handed himproducts , etc. A month before his arrivaldaughter meets someone else and decides to start newrelationship _

Now exthe guy threatens her with suicide. I feel sorry for both of them, I have no strength anymore. Everyone was exhausted. I see this boy, and my heart shrinks into a lump. He simply disappears, he is left completely alone, and I have a feeling of guilt or something, a feeling that it was I who betrayed him. The daughter has withdrawn into herself and doesn’t really say anything.

It seems to me that she is in a hurry for a new relationship. She couldn't be a month oldforget . She asks me to bring a new guy to meet, but I can’t, and I don’t see her happy. I ask: “Do you regret?” - and I get such a vague answer from test-antibiotic.com: “no, it’s too late.” It turns out that everyone is separated from each other, everyone experiences it in their own way. I don’t know how to get out of this situation.

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