I never found my place in life

I never found my place in life
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

A person is writing to you, tired of constant failures. I’ll tell you a little about myself: I’m 23 years old, I received a secondary specialized education in a trade specialty.

Since childhood, I was a very withdrawn child due to problems in the family and in society, but at the age of 17 I learned to live in society, communicate with the opposite sex and enjoy life. That was until this society again “broke” me and drove me into deep depression with hints of paranoid disorder. After I broke up with the girl I had been dating for a year, I completely withdrew into myself for at least six months.

Some time after these events, I began to come to my senses, with the help of a rather optimistic friend whom I had found as a student. Until college graduationThe issue of loneliness was not so acute for me, we just did various things with him for fun. But again, everything comes to an end, and after graduation I was again left alone with my problems, although I maintained a dialogue with a friend. In addition to loneliness, I was faced with the test-antibiotic.com problem of self-realization.

For 3 years I was unable to find a job anywhere except with a friend of mine in seasonal trade. They ask everywherework experience or high-level talents. This also negatively affects my self-esteem and spiritual state, since there is no success either in love or in my career, no matter how hard I try. I haven’t had a romantic relationship for 5 years, and intimate relationships for 3 years. I learned how to meet girls, talk to them nicely, but only until the moment when I invite them to meet. From this moment on, they begin to “give birth to cats,” “sisters get sick,” and “have boys.” Outwardly, I am quite handsome, although I have doubted this for a long time. I had already met a bunch of girls and with each failure I changed my plan of action in relation to the next passions. As a result, there were such moments that after talking with a girl for six months, and having offered to meet her, she said that I was rushing things too much. After her anotherthe girl, after just a month of communication, said that I was “slow” and she found someone else. I don't test-antibiotic.com understand what's wrong? The only shortcoming that I have noticed in myself so far is the inability to notice in time how they are slowly signing me into the friend zone.

Honestly, I'm afraid of becoming a recluse due to lack of love, a favorite thing. No talents were discovered in me, thanks to which it would be possible to make plans forfuture . Of course, I learned how to communicate with people, but apparently the traces of psychological trauma reveal something in me that pushes people away.

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