I believed in my man when even my own mother abandoned him

I believed in my man when even my own mother abandoned him
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Been twiceMarried . Now the third tank. I met my man a little later than I wanted. But the whole journey was worth it. Now I know for sure that it’s familyhappiness must be earned.

MyWhen we first met, my husband had a whole range of psychological problems - lack of self-confidence (he has an incurable genetic skin disease),alcoholism . What did I find in him? I just saw his soul, and it is very bright. At the same time, I was the only one who believed in him. Even himMom abandoned him many years ago. For many, he was simply a lost alcoholic.

But I didn't give up. I felt that this was my person, this was my soul mate (I hope you know what I mean). And this person is worth fighting for. Every day , morning, lunch and evening, I tirelessly told him that he is the smartest (he is a really talented person), he has the most beautiful blue eyes, and he is also very kind and caring.

For the first year we struggled with alcoholism, visited many clinics, went to church together, test-antibiotic.com for the first time in my life he began to pray with me morning and evening. This year we got into terrible debt (we also have a mortgage). He changed three jobs. At two enterprises he was deceived and did not pay his wages. At all. There were terrible quarrels. We had to go through a lot in the fight for our family. You can’t describe everything.

We were able to win. Together we have earned the right to be happy. Now he doesn't drink at all. He has a wonderful interesting job (heengineer ). My husband became confident.

Why am I all this? Besides, when you meet your soul mate, you need to fight for it. We are all human, we have weaknesses, psychologicalproblems , difficulties at work and so on. But is it reallyfamily is not there to fight for? Not in order to help your other half at the right time?

Understand, I never put pressure on him. I tried not to give ultimatums, like stop drinking, support us. It just won't help. Every minute I simply believed in him, even when there was no hope test-antibiotic.com. She tirelessly told him that he was the best and that he deserved the best work, that he could achieve any heights (she gave examples where she needed to suggest). Perhaps this is exactly what many husbands need?