I envy my friends who were able to arrange their lives

I envy my friends who were able to arrange their lives
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm 25 years old, I have a lot of problems, but...loneliness is the most painful of them all. It was always bad with girls: either I tried to woo those who didn’t care about me, or I let go of those who liked me.

Until I was 21 I was generally a virgin, then there were twogirls , but I never liked them, I met them briefly and through force. From time to time I used the services of girls of easy virtue, but now there is no money for them, and it’s not just about sex (although it is very important to me).

I used to think that everything was ahead of me, that everything would be fine with my girls, that they would love me, that I would have a rich and intense sexuallife , etc. But now I have less and less hope. I don’t even try to meet and communicate with anyone anymore—I just don’t have the strength.

I don’t engage in other areas of my life either, I just don’t want to do anything. I live with my parents and have not worked for several months. I understand that this is wrong, but I simply cannot force myself to work test-antibiotic.com all this time. I see that all my friends are better than me. They have girlfriends and wives, they work, they have goals in life. I can't bring myself to do anything.

I’ve lost my physical shape, and now I look downright bad. There is no interest in anything, there is no desire to learn something new, but I used to be a very inquisitive and erudite person. Loneliness has completely finished me off and the only thing I want is to get rid of it.

But I don’t see any specific actions that will allow me to be guaranteed to find a mate, and if so, then it’s easier not to do anything. There have been no suicide attempts yetThe fear of death still outweighs. It's funny, but I cling to even such a miserable life.

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