Jealous girlfriend

Jealous girlfriend
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I hadfriend a month and a half ago. We are from the same city, we were friends for 6 years, but a year ago I left to live in another country with my family, my friend and I were always in touch,We called each other several times every day . I come home often, almost every 3 months, because I have work abroad and have my own clients at home, so when I come home, I also try to work.

On my last visit, I had a very busy work schedule at home, and I could not pay due attention to my friend due to lack of time as much as she wanted. We met 2 times, the first time for a couple of hours, the second time we spent almost the whole day together.

But closer to my departure, I began to notice that my friend stopped answering her calls. I immediately realized that she was offended, but I sincerely did not understand why. Then somehow a week later I managed to contact her and get information out of her that she was offended by. It turned out that on my visit I stayed overnight with my sister, but she didn’t have any left. I write this myself and understand that this is not serious, considering that we are both 30+.

My friend broke up with mecommunication , saying that she was tired of being a convenient friend, and that she would rather be alone (besides me, she no longer has friends, and only I talked to her). After the end of our communication, I began to remember such moments in our friendship that she was never sincerely happy for me, but if something didn’t work out for me and didn’t work out, then she immediately turned on and she was immediately in a great mood. Let’s say I tell her that my family and I are going to fly to the seaside in the summer, she doesn’t react at all, she just remains silent, or mutters something incomprehensible, switching the topic. It's the same with work. If everything is going well for me, it seems to upset her. It even happened that we called her on the phone, I told her that today we have excellent weather in the country, warm and cool, but at the same time I knew that it was cool in my homeland. And I felt envy and anger on her part, that I was warm at the moment, but she was cold. There was always some kind of competition on her part. I bought myself a new phone, she needs the same one, I bought myself new sneakers, she immediately needs the same or better ones, and so on with everything.

So our promise ended at her request, as I already wrote above. But on social networks, after a while, I began to notice that she liked my posts, reacted to some of my stories, and tried to somehow attract attention to herself. Honestly, even despite all her shortcomings, I always considered her a close person, I was always honest with her.

I don't understand why I deserve this to happen to meattitude , and what does she want to show me now with her attacks on social networks?

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