I regret that I gave my husband another chance

I regret that I gave my husband another chance
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I don’t know if there is a chance for my ex-alcoholic husband (I really hope it’s an ex) to start living together again. Now he doesn’t drink, we live in an apartment that was left over from my mother. I am working. My husband does not work, although he has a higher education.

I tell him: “let’s start looking for a job, first we’ll at least go to the labor exchange and see what’s what.” He doesn’t agree to anything, he says that he couldn’t get a job in his own city, much less be able to do so in someone else’s. He watches TV all day.

So a month has passed since we made peace again and started living together. I wanted to give him a chance, to help him become a man. Now I doubt it and even begin to regret it a little. It is not clear from him that he wants to look for work. We do not live in Russia. What advice do you have for me? Thank you in advance.


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