My wife no longer scolds me for cheating

My wife no longer scolds me for cheating
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I never thought that at 53 years old I would ask for advice on how to be in my family. My name is Garik, I have a thirdmarriage _ My wife is 38 years old, a huge love marriage, I fell head over heels in love with my wife, and she with me. Then the wedding and the birth of a son.

I will say right away that previous marriages fell apart due to my fault, there were infidelities and subsequently I lost feelings for women and I left. He left almost everything to his ex-wives, left in slippers and provided for the children, helped as much as he could, luckily he worked in a good job. I met Anya at 45 years old, she is younger than me.

For the first 4 years I could not give up my bachelor habits. No, I loved my wife, and I love him very much now, but my sprees with friends continued. I often left my wife with my little son, went to party, and had no remorse that everyone does this. Anya was waiting for me, worried, then scandals began, but my partying continued.

One day she took my phone and read about some of my trips and business trips and realized what usually happens there. Gradually, from a calm woman she turned into a nervous, constantly tired woman. She tried to look after the child, keep the house clean, and devote time to me, supposedly trying to save the family. Then at some point I got an electric shock and I was afraid that she would leave, because, swearing,my wife said: “I don’t want this kind of life anymore, I have no complaints against you, but I won’t live like this anymore.”

After that, I went to see my grandmother. I didn’t go anywhere, I was with my wife and child all the time, everything seemed to be gradually getting better. But after some time she found out about my adventures on the side, and then she changed dramatically. No, don’t think so, she is a very beautiful woman, with a beautiful figure, she takes care of herself, but she has become different internally. She calmed down and stopped being hysterical, she tries to be with her son even more, she works with him. I began to notice that one of our acquaintances was paying attention to her, it was clear that he liked her. Nothing more is said to me, nothing is forbidden. I don’t understand, why this happens?

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